Sunday, December 9, 2012

Lucy Im home!

  I have arrived in Ithaca after a journey that lasted longer then the battle of Troy its self. I traveled to the underworld where I saw my mothers spirit, went to an island where my men were turned to pigs, stayed with Calypso for seven years under her love spell. But now I am finally home! Although I had to slaughter many men that had tried to take my spot I was able to find my beloved Penelope right where I left her, she is so loyal to me it is better than any riches a man can search for on this planet.  


 We have been at sail for a while now and there is an island said to have sirens that attract ship captains to steer their ships into the rocks and capsize. I have instructed my men to tie me to the ships mass and block out their ears with bees wax so that I can hear the sirens mystical sounds without endangering my men.

Headed home woop woop!

  We have just set sail back to Ithaca. Although we are leaving with less men than what we arrived at Troy with those who died will be remembered as men of honor and we shall hold a ceremony for them once we return home. Those that lived to tell their own battle tales are blessed to be alive.

The war is over time to pack up and head home

    The battle has lasted ten years. The longest time I have been from home. It fills my heart with joy to know that after such a long time I can finally return home. I am filled with warmth knowing that I will soon hold my son in my hands and teach him the ways of becoming a man.

Losing hope

--> The battle has been going on for years now. We did not anticipate the battle to last this long. We are slowly losing men, although they are strong and loyal to me they seem to be losing themselves within. Maybe a few songs and dance from Ithaca will lift their spirits to where they once were.

They see us coming

We see the shores of Troy in the distance! I am sure they hear our battle cries and are preparing for our awaited arrival. I have given my battle speech and we are so stocked that not even Zeus could hold us back from shedding the blood of the Troy army!

One last trip before the battle!

We are making a stop in Athens because we need to restock on supply before landing our ships in Troy tomorrow. Tonight we will feast and party one last time because only God knows how many of us will parish tomorrow in the name of honor for mother Ithaca.