Sunday, December 9, 2012

Lucy Im home!

  I have arrived in Ithaca after a journey that lasted longer then the battle of Troy its self. I traveled to the underworld where I saw my mothers spirit, went to an island where my men were turned to pigs, stayed with Calypso for seven years under her love spell. But now I am finally home! Although I had to slaughter many men that had tried to take my spot I was able to find my beloved Penelope right where I left her, she is so loyal to me it is better than any riches a man can search for on this planet.  

1 comment:

  1. Gerson, I know I commented on your blog at our last meeting, but I just want to say again that you did a great job with this assignment. Your entries are thoughtful, and the graphics you chose for each entry are perfect. (I just love the photo for this last entry.) Well done. Grade for project: A
